Saturday, March 10, 2007

Speaking in Hong Kong (NCFI PACIA) and Macao . . .
Barbara had the opportunity to speak at the NCFI PACEA regional leadership meeting in Hong Kong in February. She taught on Vision, Servant Leadership, Mentoring and Integrating Faith and Work. Over 35 nurse leaders from eight countries came for teaching, fellowship, sharing, caring, worship and prayer (Photos 1-3). After the conference, Barbara presented a lecture to faculty and students at Kiang Wu College of Nursing in Macao. Dr. Sosamma Lindsay (photo 4) is a long-time friend and colleague who is teaching there. Several faculty gathered for a delicious lunch hosted by Dr. Andrew Luk (photo 5).

Planning for the new NCFI International Center for Christian Nurse Leadership . . .
In February, nurse leaders from the US and throughout Asia gathered to plan the new center (Photos 1-3). After three intensive days of meetings, the steering committee met for dinner at the home of Young In Kim, former Korea NCF staff member (photo 4) and then enjoyed an evening of Korean culture (photo 5).

Beautiful Seoul . . .
John and Barb posed in front of a statue of King Sejong (who invented the Korean written language in 1450 AD) at the Deoksugung palace (photo 1) where the changing of the guard is an impressive display of korean culture (photo 2). Alicia Banas from the Phillippines and Karen Pennington from the US join Barbara to have their picture taken with the captain of the guards (Photo 3). The archway leading to a palace garden is typical Korean architecture (photo 4). Driving along the wide Seoul streets on clear days, we see the beautiful mountains -- just like home!!!

Pinning and Graduation - February, 2007 . . .
The academic calender in Korea begins March 1 of each year and ends in late December. Students have four months off during each school year: July-August and January-February. Nursing students take the licensing exam together at one site all on the same day in late January. They begin their new graduate positions the end of February right after graduation. Barb enjoyed the pinning festivities with some of the seniors (photo 1). Dr. Euisook Kim and Dr. WonHee Lee (Dean) were dressed in regalia for the special ceremony (Photo 2) and students joined to have a class picture taken with faculty (photo 3).