Friday, October 27, 2006

Korea Nurses Christian Fellowship 39th Anniversary Celebration

Thursday October 26th was the 39th anniversary of Korea NCF. Hyesook Lee, the director, planned a big celebration. Over 300 young nurses attended. I was honored to bring a greeting and speciual blessing from NCF USA and from Nurses Christian Fellowship International. Dr. WonHee Lee, my good friend and Dean of the College of Nursing, gave a special message from Yonsei University (photo 1). The celebration went from 1:30 - 5 PM and was held in the Severance Hospital auditorium. The first half of the ceremony was a delightful time of music. Eight different choirs of nurses from all over Seoul and other parts of the country sang and performed (photos 2 & 3). Then the later part of the program was a worship service, praising God for His faithfulness through the years of NCF in Korea.


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