Friday, October 27, 2006

Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI) Asia Pacific Conference...

Barb had an opportunity to attend and speak at the HCFI conference in Seoul October 10 - 12. Over 500 healthcare workers, including physicians, nurses, pastors, chaplains and ancillary hospital personel participated. They came from all over Asia, Australia and even Africa (photo 1). Barb and Hyesook Lee, the Director of Nurses Christian Fellowship in Korea, met with Dr. Chris Steyn and Dr. George McDonald from HCFI over lunch to talk about ways in which Nurses Christian Fellowship International and HCFI could collaborate (photo 2). At dinner, Barb and John met Pastor Chan Kyu Hwang, the conference organizer, and he shared his vision with us. He longs to build a Christian hospital in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea(photo 3). Barb taught a break out session from 8-10 PM one evening entitled "What is Bioethics?" Even though the time was really late in the day, the group was very attentive and interested in the topic (photo 4). One of the great joys was reconnecting with Dr. Chungnam Kim, Dean of the Keimyung University College of Nursing in Taegu in the southern part of Korea (photo 5). She spoke on parish nursing and has invited us down to her university to speak and visit in December.


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