This is Chusok- Thanksgiving in Korea ...
As we pause to once again give thanks, we are very aware of the many people who have helped make this fantastic experience in Seoul possible for us. My good friend, Susie Kim, was the first person I contacted when we thought about applying for this Fulbright award fourteen months ago ( photo 1). Her encouragement, thoughtfulness and generosity have upheld us during this past month. We have become part of Susie's family here in Korea and we are very grateful for the blessing of her special friendship. She has impacted our lives with her wisdom and spiritual maturity. Long before we arrived here, Susie reminded us that "Our Father knows just what we need." The truth of her words and the reality of God's constant provision have irreversibly changed us.
Yonsie University President Dr. Chang Young Jung and his wife greeted us at chapel the first Sunday we arrived (photo 2). We are very grateful for this university and its continued strong commitment to its Christian heritage and Biblical values. All university events begin with prayer and worship (hymn singing). Students are required to attend chapel once each week. Faculty are comfortable praying together and talking about the spiritual impact of decisions. What a joy it is to incorporate scriptural principles into all my teaching. John and I have marveled at the fact that we really"fit" here. This university is the top private university in the nation and is considered to be the "Princeton of Korea."
Mrs Shim, (photo 3) the executive director at the Korea Fulbright office, is dedicated to making this experience valuable for the over 100 Korean Fulbright scholars, researchers and teaching asssitants who are here each year. Mrs. Shim leads a dedicated Fulbright staff who work long hours, but love their work. She does an amazing job.
I am very thankful to Dr. Chung-Yul Lee, (photo 4) the former dean at Yonsei College of Nursing. It was through her commitment and leadership that I received the Fulbright appointment and our spacious accommodations. Dr. Lee is an accomplished researcher and statistician. She and I will be doing some collaborative research projects this year. She told me recently that I am the first non-Korean heritage Fulbright at the college. The previous two were highly esteemed Korean-Americans. I am extremely honored and thankful to be here.
Dr. WonHee Lee (photo 5 seated) is the current dean of the college of nursing. I am so thankful to be here this year serving under her expert leadership. She and I are teaching an RN-BSN class in Ethics. I have the privilege of working with WonHee on the NCFI Board of Directors as well. I appreciate her gentle and humble spirit and her complete reliance on God our Father. She leads a highly educated scholarly faculty: 22 fulltime professors, 3 research professors and numerous teaching assistants.
Dr. Euisook Kim (photo 5 standing) is my mentor and - now - a very good friend. She and I are teaching leadership and health policy classes together. I am learning much from Euisook. She is the former President of the Korea Nurses Association and is currently serving on the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Board of Directors. Euisook has a fabulous fun loving enthusiastic personality. She has taken me under her wing at the college and has made my time of adjustment here so very easy.
God used all these precious people to give us this Fulbright experience -- the opportunity of a lifetime. Daedan hi kamsa hamnida! (Thank you very much !)
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