Our Fulbright Experience 2006-2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
John spent five days in Beijing introducing his good friends from Seoul - Prince Charles and John Hill - to his good friends in Beijing - Bruce and Pearl - Stephen and Sarah - Rocky and Jessie (who are getting married on June 23 - photo 13) and others. Beijing is really hopping getting ready for the 2008 Olympics. The new Olympic stadium is called the bird's nest and will be finished by December this year (Photo 5.) The Chinese government has ruled that all Olympic events and locations, from now forward, will be smoke free. The constuction workers have been ask to put away their ever present cigarettes - a big request !! John had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Simon Hung, the general manager of ORTV (Photo 7) and also Joseph Tsai. They both work very closely with Doris Broughm the founder of ORTV, and provide Bruce and his team with great support. (Photo 8) One evening we spent at the Upper Room Coffee House - Prince Charles enjoyed meeting the owner Mr. Bing (Photos 9-11.) Prince Charles , who is completing his doctorate degree in counseling, offered a seminar on couple relationships (photo 15.)