Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Jane's wedding
On December 15th we attended Jane's wedding. Jane was my TA for the past semester. She and her fiance were married in one of the oldest protestant churches in Seoul. Before the ceremony, Jane greeted her friends in her dressing room where she was photographed. Photo 1 shows her with some of her students and other TAs. The ceremony was very formal with choir singing and pastor preaching. There were no bridesmaides or groomsmen like most US weddings. The guests were allowed to eat from the generous buffet tables set up in the church basement either before or after the wedding. Since over 700 people attended, everyone could chose when they wanted to participate in the reception. Jane and her husband ( photo 2) went to Hawaii for a honeymoon and plan to spent the next few years in the US as he completes his doctorate. Their formal wedding picutre (photo 3) was taken the week proior to the ceremony and was on display for all to see. Jane was simply beautiful.


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